About Us

Hi, my name is Kelly and I would like to introduce you to Our BoatyVerse!

Myself and my partner are Boating enthusiasts and we have a passion for boat life and all things Nautical.

Whilst searching online for a Nautical themed gift for my partner it struck me that the selection of items available were all a bit standardised and nothing really stood out. So I decided to have a go at putting my own ideas onto paper to see what I could come up with. I ended up creating a design that has now been turned into Our BoatyVerse main logo! It stands out, looks different and oozes fun.

I was then made redundant from work so with a bit of spare time on my hands and a need to find a new career we created our very own Nautical Themed Shop, Our BoatyVerse, where you can now purchase a range of exciting Nautical themed products and gifts that are sure to stand out from the usual array of blue and white stripes, our products come with a fun twist to put a smile on your face, have you seen the Turtle Travels T-Shirt! 

Thank you for taking the time to explore Our BoatyVerse. 
